
About Me

Akash Kesari Savannah was raised in New Delhi, India, before his family relocated to the United States in 1995 when he was seven years old. Following his time in New Delhi, Akash pursued higher education at the University of North Florida for a duration of two years. Subsequently, he made the decision to enroll in medical school at Mahatma Gandhi Missions Medical College (MGMUHS).

Today, Kesari holds the position of owner at DNA Marketing Solutions Inc., a duly registered business operating in the state of Georgia. Through his business, he actively engages in charitable activities, organizing numerous drives aimed at supporting local shelters. Kesari is deeply committed to making a positive impact on his community.

In addition to his philanthropic pursuits, Kesari dedicates a significant amount of time to his rescue pitbull, cherishing their bond. Furthermore, he utilizes his online presence to advocate for the breed, raising awareness and promoting a positive perception of pitbulls.


Akash Kesari of Savannah Portfolio