
Akash Kesari

Akash Kesari of Savannah

About Me

Akash Kesari Savannah was raised in New Delhi, India, and later moved to the United States with his family in 1995 when he was just seven years old. After completing two years at the University of North Florida, Kesari made the decision to pursue a medical education at Mahatma Gandhi Missions Medical College (MGMUHS).

Presently, Akash is the proud owner of DNA Marketing Solutions Inc., a duly registered business based in the state of Georgia. In addition to running his business, Kesari actively participates in charitable endeavors. He has organized numerous drives in support of local shelters, demonstrating his commitment to giving back to the community.

Alongside his philanthropic efforts, Kesari devotes a significant amount of time to his beloved rescue pitbull. Furthermore, he actively advocates for the breed through his online presence, aiming to raise awareness and promote a positive image of pitbulls.

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Recent News

Akash Kesari Savannah
December 14, 2022

What Are the 4 Types of Business Owners?

Having an understanding of the different types of business owners is important, especially if you are considering starting a new business. The four types of business owners are sole proprietors, corporations, general partnerships, and limited partnerships. Each one of these is different in its own way, but all of them have their benefits. Sole proprietorships […]

Akash Kesari Savannah
October 18, 2022

What Is Considered a Small Business Owner?

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Akash Kesari Savannah
September 15, 2022

Medicine For Headache

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Akash Kesari Savannah
July 7, 2022

Advantages and Disadvantages of Owning a Corporation

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